Responsible Ranching

Being good stewards of the land is our main priority. Not only are we conscience of how we treat our cattle, but also how we treat the land. Ranching is a full circle business…after earning permits to graze US Forest Service land, we then help protect that property with trail clearing, pond clean clean up, and more. This in turn helps our herd by allowing them access to areas that have an abundance of the nourishment they need. The Taylor Grazing Act set in 1934 paved the way for ranchers to use the land without over grazing an area, thus making it available in the following seasons.

“Stewardship is leaving a system better than you found it.”

-Michael Barber

Our Simmental Angus cattle are grass fed throughout the spring and summer months. Late fall cattle are brought in to the ranch and are grain finished to produce the best quality of beef.

Cattle is kept on a spring and fall vaccine program with no antibiotics or steroids. Our main goal is to keep our herd healthy as possible while sticking true to our raising responsibly ideals. In the event that an animal is sick, we take extra care and remove that animal from the herd so that they can health and not suffer. These animals are never taken to the butcher to keep our beef clean and healthy!